Pia Hjerppe Kontiolantie 6 82580 Juurikka Finlandemail: pia.hjerppe@gmail.comtel. +358 (0)40 756 61 48
BH AD EK3 HK3 JK2 FI TVA Ardiente Valor Heroíco "Musti" - Hips B/B, elbows 0/0 - Neutered - Mental test +174 - Agility maxi3 - Obedience champion - Tracking JK2 - Area search HK3 - Special search EK3- Endurance test AD owner: Pipsa Sahrman, Sipoo (18 months old in the picture)
- Hips B/B, elbows 0/0 - Neutered - Mental test +174
- Agility maxi3 - Obedience champion - Tracking JK2 - Area search HK3 - Special search EK3- Endurance test AD
owner: Pipsa Sahrman, Sipoo
(18 months old in the picture)